Planning Solutions
Have a town planning problem? Our experienced town planners are available to provide an obligation-free assessment of your position and how Perry Town Planning can assist.
Submit a query here.
Development Advice
Understanding the planning controls and policy that applies to your land or a potential investment is a vital first step in the development process. We can review your site and provide an estimation of its potential and chances for success.
Strategic Planning
Rezoning to allow small developments through to whole new communities are a specialty of Perry Town Planning. We can help drive the process on behalf of clients or respond to amendments to planning schemes put forward by Councils.
VCAT Appeals and Planning Panels
Our planners have experience in representing both permit applicants and objectors as well as providing expert evidence to the tribunal and panels. We can also arrange town planning and other expert evidence to support your case.
Areas of Expertise
Subdivision: Are you looking to building a house at the rear of an existing property or demolish the existing and replace with two dwellings? We can provide advice on its potential and how to get the approval.
C Change of Use: Setting up a new business or activity? We can get the approval quickly so you can get down to work.
Advocacy: Our planners can put forward your case, either as an applicant or an objector, to Council meetings, hearings at the Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal, and Planning Panels.
Liquor licence applications: We can manage permit approvals with both Council and the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation.
Due Diligence: Before you make an investment decision, our planners can review a site to ensure your project is not derailed by planning constraints.
Rezoning: Changes to the zoning of a parcel of land can open up new opportunities. Perry Town Planning has experience in driving sometimes complex applications through to a successful outcome.
Planning News and Views

Future Cities
The following is a summary of the findings of a publication prepared by Infrastructure Australia in February 2018 which indicates the the urban trends which will define the future settlement patterns for the nation.
In the coming 30 years the size of the Australian population will grow substantially. Between 2017 and 2046, Australia’s population is projected to increase by 11.8 million people. That’s equivalent to adding a new city, roughly the size of Canberra, each year for the next 30 years. About 75% of this growth will occur in Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth.2 Growth on this scale will transform these cities.
More than ever before, Australia’s long-term prosperity is linked to the performance of our cities. Cities are increasingly the generators of Australia’s wealth, where a growing number of Australians choose to live and businesses choose to locate.
In the next 30 years, Sydney’s population is projected to increase by 2.4 million people, growing to be a city of 7.4 million. Over the same period, Melbourne is projected to grow by 2.7 million people, to be a city of 7.3 million.
Brisbane is projected to grow by 1.6 million people and Perth by 2.2 million people, delivering cities of just under 4 million and 4.3 million, respectively. Parallel issues that need to be addressed include:
- The ageing population
- Rapid technological transformation
- Difficulties with urban freight movement
- The impacts of climate change
- The shifting structure of national and global economics
- Changes to the nature and location of work
Urban change produces opportunities and it is our objective to guide our clients to a prosperous future that adapts to urban change.